Thursday, November 25, 2010

New Year Resolution

Here's our list: (holidays don't count HA)

1. Only ONE cheat meal a week.
2. Alcoholic drinks twice a week for the first three months, once a week for the next three months.. and so on and so forth.
3. We can't waste money on "dumb" things - meaning we can only buy ONE book after reading the last one we bought.
4. We must take school extremely seriously.
5. Oh, we can't put ourselves in situations where we might get tempted to you-know-what.

Baby I forgot the rest...if you remember any you make a new post okay? By the way, I have an entire other list for myself so you can make one too. My last one said "learn how to braid hair," so you can guess that this one has simple and ridiculous things on it as well. I'm gonna brush my teeth now!

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